Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake. - Henry D. Thoreau

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dead Awake

Suddenly, quickly, the room feels colder. Yawning to defeat the morning, I wake and shift to clean myself off of the filthiness a prideful dream can leave on a man with an ego as large as mine. I start the shower and pass the mirror with disinterest, clambering for the heat residing in the life emitted from the shower head. That was fast, I feel fresh, but somehow no different than before. Hoping to evade the dreadful commute to the office, it soon comes to sense that Time will not work in my advantage; rather, I must leave early to seek that advantage and the time to begin would be right now. Almost at a leap, I enter the car and dissolve out of the driveway and recognize my place under the burning Sun; it is pleasant. The other vehicles on the road appear to be following me more than usual, at odd times disbanding the caravan to linger into their buildings of mutual hatred, for the brightest of men understand how much the creatures in the concrete jungle starve for their innards. Partially withdrawn, I hastily enter the parking lot and discover a single open spot: the handicap space, for those who are looked at more than others and somehow socially ignored. I resent the the fact but I confidently park in the only remaining place around and gather my files before entering the building I come and go no different past the hate that brews while inside its swathing dungeon.
Squeak! the dead cold invisible door creaks open to allow my passage into its still colder domain, reticent of its true nature though eager to disavow those who make partners with its walls. In a shocking stream of sense, my memory feels eerily disjointed - as though I am eternally familiar with this castle of greed, while still through its portal for the first time - now. I make it to the office I've on and off inhabited for years, only to realize it isn't mine and there are others behind the door, making transactions indiscreet. As amazing as the finding has propounded me to my displacement here, my first course of action relates me to my still-warm car outside and I use my excuse of a bad parking spot to remove myself from this place and seek refuge in my room asleep again.
Turning, pivoting, whirling, rotating, spinning, twisting, revolving, I make my way down the corridor and with an even larger leap, I enter the car and jet out of the lot with ease, returning to the stream with the rest of the school that makes its way through this deserted industrial park we call home in the night. I yawn.
As I angle the vehicle to turn down Memory Ln. I am entranced by its uncanny visage of safety, its eternal sinister groove in my mind. Coughing and wheezing from an abrupt aversion to what awaits me behind locked doors, I turn the key and cross the threshold. With a silent but deafening slam, the gate returns to rest and I quickly follow. Pacing down the hallway, I halt and notice the absence of pictures on the walls, the steadiness of the room, the lack of common aroma wavering through the chilling air.
I enter the bathroom to relieve myself but am cut short when I forget my objectives, my wandering eyes focus on the counter, the sink, not much else; so I leave. As with following a map, I unmindfully creep towards my destination; sleep calling though no living man may answer without succumbing to its seductive coo. I open the door and laugh, for before my lies my body, eroding to the stream of Time and the trickle of blood exiting cold wounds.
[Fade to black.]

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Space Between Thoughts

The perplexing issue with raw data is that there is no scale of time or self to frame subject in which to examine it, a fleeting moment bringing idealism, and solitude, all of chaos and guilt, as well as pure and direct communication. When hinged between two moments of thought, the unaided soul is guided betwixt the experience of memory, thought, organization & language with the future-formed personality which is viewed as “projected.” If other beings may “project” their raw data to us, should we receive it in our own faith? Apply it to our own religions and ideologies? Give rise to capital murder and blatant misuse of trust? Informational in nature, the raw experience brings the awareness of the bonds of souls, among themselves and within the larger systems recognized as God, then Life. This bond is what has given fuel to the inedible flames of ESP research and extra-terrestrial communication. Rather than look beyond, why not search within to find the deepest and remotest essence (as secrets, then knowledge) of our souls and greater purpose? Had we considered the meaning of the subtle hints, before it may be attributed to a spiritual communion or by blight of mental illness, it may be possible to recognize this direct communication as necessary and involving, part of life itself, a key to the “Future” and a window to the “Past.”
The instant between cognizing a postulation and replying in reference to this object or topic (as is present in all language) contains a multitude of mysteries which may be revealed by deep contemplation and direct communication. Rapidly, the sense of self dissolves and the Other is incorporated into individual thought, thereby bridging true communication, however aware, and thought-forms that attempt to predict future modes of discourse or elements of still-further external nodes in games and entertainment are supplied by the mind, sometimes with an unquestionable accuracy, however coincidental. Though no claims rest on the dependency of Real and natural limits on sentient beings to the actual results, (if such an experiment were devised) there is a framework within which to develop more focused attention, gain spiritual awareness, alleviate suffering, bind individuals, etc. Between two persons who are aware of this situation, a breach in the social framework develops into minute, yet broad schizophrenic phenotypes. This is to say that the True identities of included persons are shattered by the recognition of such a state of being that a priori (e.g. déjà vu) awareness briefly searches for potential matches of realities among a dubious multiverse. The primary benefactors to this blind “research” are religious fanatics and cult science circles.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reflections, Projections, Thoughts after reading "Society of the Spectacle" by Guy Deborg


by john w. hampson

The future of our protected inalienable rights, which are granted to us duly by life and accepted by integration to consciousness, is in jeopardy. This is not to signify a breach in the totality of consciousness or a threat to the internal affairs of man as that is the creative strategy for positive development. The current global civilization we possess is reactive to the history that succumbs it, as memory is not enough for the individual to survive, knowledge and history must be preserved and opened up to be transposed against the ignorant surveys shared by the hive minded majority. This is not to say that minority classes or further divisions as a congruent collective have any right so much as the next class within or juxtapose personal belief systems and hierarchies.

First, individualism must be cogent in the dominating social sphere that leaves multiplicities of forms of communication in order to navigate the territorial realms of everyday life, finding new meaning in the problems of the past.

Second, that reorganization of individualism must call for integration of social rights and personal beliefs which include various ideologies, life and style choices as well as artistic freedoms. In a society where corporatism has flattened the individual through ignoble use of brand marketing and sublimation, it has perverted the basic necessities of man which include sustenance and shelter.

Third, the organization of civilization must incorporate the profound need for personal space as well as facilitate the collectivization of persons whom share commonalities which may enhance their quality of life as it is the mainly ignored question of contemporary societal life with the current and often still barbaric systems of hierarchy.

Fourth, the process of development as a living human being should be preserved through civilized methods of peer grouping and use of surplus, where science must focus to project strategy in maintaining this society and its allocation of resources.

The remaining questions in a superfluous modern pretext engage individuals like us with an opportunity to respond to self-expression and a wealth of emotional, critical, artistic and developmental qualities that naturally connect human beings. The personal art of communication has been facilitated only within the global capitalist marketing front and not yet through true existentialist quarters except in the realm of the unknown. This is the realm most practically described as reality or God, which supersedes an objective description wherein cases match predefined and socially accepted "norms" or categorical imperatives. A new strategy must be incorporated to allow headway in individual growth despite the collective appearance and spectator style of personality engineering. Influence has strongly begat most individual institutions which ignorantly validate a system which is increasingly conservative to protect its own shattered values despite the perplexing openness to information through natural agitation of those subjected to personal evolution. No more should the problems of the colonization of resources be presented in a context outside of the true necessities of the individual, as the packaging of inane conglomerate corporations carries invisible weight which should be identified in time of crisis.

At each new turning point, we realize the need for understanding and should direct our focus to history itself and restore its value as instructive, validated by personal connection to the unbreakable institution of consciousness. Collectively, awareness should be facilitated on the grounds of philosophy, the last engine of reason and the application of truth where the search has proved existence precedes essence if we have furthermore accepted existentialism in its optimistic variety of little but a question. How will we accept life's quality and how will we disintegrate the stubbornness of concrete individualism as a conservative aspect and openly facilitate growth of a new venture which promises more truth than that of our fathers which may have created us but surely have not granted us any particular mode of discourse outside of its own stumbling search for enlightenment.

All of this comes with the projected paranoid altercation of the self staring back at itself, a natural event upon the awakening of the collective consciousness and impacting the individual in a collectivist method while providing strength and wisdom, naturally, for the modern man. As the old methods depart from the global scale, may we bid them adieu and learn finally from history our true nature and sacrifice what is necessary for progress; therefore, the relativist and realist positions of status must be reconciled to local agencies which are bestowed governance by experience and fulfillment of knowledge. This final category must be expressed as that which is unexpressed by any previous linguistic device in the post-Darwinian stubbornness and acceptance of quarrel as the primary form of contest or measure of aptitude. Evolution must express itself naturally as a force which is inherently insecure and recurring. The surviving element of this challenge is identifying the relationship of the individual to the eventual subjection to alternatives ie. a realized life and further understanding of its discovered meaning in comparison and still later contrast to death or other potential avenues of consciousness.

Rather than inflating current money systems that exist, under a shared loan market vis-à-vis drastically irrevocable credit lines, and rather than a materialistic-based barter system, skills should be assessed and demonstrated in a real goods system which is maintained by the discretion of the scientific and engineering communities. Health officials should be available to all sectors of the public, which includes all previously private sectors of government and other private or corporate entities. Deals should be made at the discretion of individuals and their own private endeavors which is leveraged by the accessibility of information which is garnered by those technological agencies. Any previously recognized government funding should be allocated to groups organized for the duties of preserving localized and even larger recognized bodies of persons whom operate in structurally independent manners which rely on the resources available to that public.

Naturally, people will form conglomerate organizations and advocacy groups for the betterment of a specific cause, but with the existence of lesser authorities recognized across vast terrain, coverage will be more thorough and less widely reaching as well as having a weaker necessity for internationalism. This change does present the problem of power structures currently existing, or furthermore recognized as authorities, discontinuing use out of the inborn necessity for control over chaos. Individuals far reaching should be instructed by those willing and able to define the current limits of knowledge and the statistical advantages of incorporating the modified system. Calculations are therefore necessary to determine the amount of private property currently recognized as necessary to distribute or allocate to collection centers for resource pooling.

A natural threat of disease would be present in this collectivist society, though the medical attention of currently elaborate and insurance-based credit systems will be ignored to the advantage of previously covertly and profit-based contracts, but the risk of infection would be significantly lower if the proper knowledge were available on how to communicate with the modified system. More control will be placed on operating these centers for resource distribution using the information we have gained from implementing capitalist strategies to properly organize the public sector in contrast to private property gains and instead advantages for the collective effort for a better quality of life, which should be referred to by all those who understand the reasons for the modification, which will be naturally contagious.

An increase in the availability of information and knowledge will significantly increase the value of life; cosmopolitanism will be the concurrent trend in individual identity. A new quality of collective incorporation will be the main factor for optimistic progression. Positive groups will spread and eliminate the depression extant in the current cutthroat capitalist economy system which establishes a hierarchy for profiteering engines and wasteful distribution of goods and resources. A calculated need-based study will be an ongoing census representative of localized groups and not inhibit but positively quantify the current supply of each individual’s claim to personal wealth in the acquisition of amplified modes of consciousness rather than indulgence in material wealth and intrinsically deceitful profit engines.

give me feedback and help me brainstorm, this is basically an outline or treatises for hypermodern thought and political theory, may have derailed but will be continued and edited to include better structure