Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake. - Henry D. Thoreau

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

chained to the bedrock

Poisoned by the well, I seek the antidote to Life
Entranced by the Blackness devouring, a lick to taste the sweetness
If oft were I to find my path below my feet and before my curious eyes
I'd no longer fear the grass aside, but wander to the tulips and fair sky
Fearful, hungry, alone, asleep - distant from reality, my soul begins to creep
Across the sandy wakes of past, into the burrower's dune of safety
Leading nowhere but a damp cave of sorrow, past the brink of cold insanity

With a blinding flash and a deafening bang, the accompanying angels wish to sing
A chorus that has echoed in resonating softness of redeeming memory
Soldiers of the treasure sought, blood spilt on dead earth fills the placid Lake
Choices made through grace of innocence or by tasting of the fruit
Soon become realized as the source of pain in living past the root
Climb higher and higher into the trees, past bark and bone of little seeds
Wrap the rope tight round thy arm, for a fix to bring us back to where we belong

Alas, we recover from the wreckage of the gnarled hands of Fate
A recoil of the gun presents safety in the dispensed clip - within and lacking function
I speak from beneath the sea, wading through channels that wrap gentle arms around me
No longer does my tyrannical ship of pirates parade through the vastness
On a voyage to the beaming Sun cut short by a pleasure cruise
Once the ride is over, there's nothing left to lose - except the puzzle piece
That completes the perfect picture, snap a quick shot before the flash goes off


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