The Space Between Thoughts
The perplexing issue with raw data is that there is no scale of time or self to frame subject in which to examine it, a fleeting moment bringing idealism, and solitude, all of chaos and guilt, as well as pure and direct communication. When hinged between two moments of thought, the unaided soul is guided betwixt the experience of memory, thought, organization & language with the future-formed personality which is viewed as “projected.” If other beings may “project” their raw data to us, should we receive it in our own faith? Apply it to our own religions and ideologies? Give rise to capital murder and blatant misuse of trust? Informational in nature, the raw experience brings the awareness of the bonds of souls, among themselves and within the larger systems recognized as God, then Life. This bond is what has given fuel to the inedible flames of ESP research and extra-terrestrial communication. Rather than look beyond, why not search within to find the deepest and remotest essence (as secrets, then knowledge) of our souls and greater purpose? Had we considered the meaning of the subtle hints, before it may be attributed to a spiritual communion or by blight of mental illness, it may be possible to recognize this direct communication as necessary and involving, part of life itself, a key to the “Future” and a window to the “Past.”
The instant between cognizing a postulation and replying in reference to this object or topic (as is present in all language) contains a multitude of mysteries which may be revealed by deep contemplation and direct communication. Rapidly, the sense of self dissolves and the Other is incorporated into individual thought, thereby bridging true communication, however aware, and thought-forms that attempt to predict future modes of discourse or elements of still-further external nodes in games and entertainment are supplied by the mind, sometimes with an unquestionable accuracy, however coincidental. Though no claims rest on the dependency of Real and natural limits on sentient beings to the actual results, (if such an experiment were devised) there is a framework within which to develop more focused attention, gain spiritual awareness, alleviate suffering, bind individuals, etc. Between two persons who are aware of this situation, a breach in the social framework develops into minute, yet broad schizophrenic phenotypes. This is to say that the True identities of included persons are shattered by the recognition of such a state of being that a priori (e.g. déjà vu) awareness briefly searches for potential matches of realities among a dubious multiverse. The primary benefactors to this blind “research” are religious fanatics and cult science circles.
So, then, do you believe in ESP or psychic abilities?
K. Smith
Eng. 226
September 19, 2010 at 6:24 PM
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